The Dark Side: Joe Biden's Journey into Evil
The brainwashing-propaganda PR complex sold Biden as a "wise" grown up who, in his advanced age, is like a dear, quirky uncle. His many gaffes are peddled as stuttering, concealing his rotten soul.
Disclaimer: Nothing herein was new to me, but after writing this essay appalled by the repugnant mass of what Biden’s disastrous career represents and genuinely horrified, I ended up depressed, dejected, and crushed. Beware if you want to follow me down the rabbit hole depicting the tragedy that’s our reality, embodied in the evil clown that is Joe Biden. Still here? Well, you were warned. Let's go then.
"Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely."
~ Lord Acton, British historian and politician
”The Underside of a Blade of Grass”
Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. entered the halls of power, squeezing through the gilded doors of the New Castle County Council in 1970—some 53 years ago in a country, the U.S., where the average age is 38.1 years—the same year "The Beatles" were disbanded, and the most popular car in the United States was “the family man’s family car” Chevrolet Impala. The President of the United States was Richard Nixon, and the Vietnam War was still a raging hell. Biden avoided it thanks to his diligent studies as 76th in his class of 85 enrolled, and due to his alleged asthma, after a 1968 medical exam, Biden received the classification of I-Y. This meant Biden would only need to serve in the military in the event of a national emergency. Bravery was never Biden’s strongest suit so he did receive five draft deferments in total and dodged the war.
His trademark vacuous, insufferable gibberish had been foreshadowed even then. After his election to the New Castle County Council, the News Journal wrote, "One of [Biden’s] colleagues said that he was the only man he knew who could give an extemporaneous 15-minute speech on the underside of a blade of grass."
So, when, back in 1970, Biden told reporter Jane Harriman that he wanted his wife, Neilia, to stay home for the time being to "mold my children," he was being “funny," which is sort of a crazy notion about the gay totally devoid of sense of humor, unless someone deems his mean, smug, egomaniacal escapades belittling other people amusing as much as he does. While he cautioned that he wasn’t “a ‘keep ’em barefoot and pregnant’ man,” he was “all for keeping them pregnant until I have a little girl.” What would be considered a faux pas in any decent society was seen by the media as Biden's trademark borsch of vile and virtuous, a peculiar mix that defies common sense, something we’d get back to later in the “sniffing and grabbing” part of the sordid story of the man that is our president.
Right off the bat, Biden has shown his vile, cranky persona of someone who’s in his very core not a very bright hubristic misanthrope, and no amount of legacy media embellishments could turn him into a dear, old "uncle Joe" that’s not making us sick to our stomachs. Assuming we're willing to see the king as a naked caricature of evil, it becomes evident that Biden's true nature is far from endearing.
“He opposed school busing for desegregation in the 1970s. As a senator, he voiced his opposition to federally mandated busing as a means of achieving racial integration in schools.”
A small wonder Biden has been a not-so-closeted racist throughout his career. He called Barack Obama "the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean," and on Charlamagne Tha God's morning radio show in May 2020, Biden told a largely black audience that if they were unsure of whether to vote for him or Trump, then "you ain't black!"
His hubris and thinly veiled contempt for Charlamagne Tha God and the black voters is truly a sight to behold. The YouTube comment "Democrats can insult black Americans to their faces, then laugh about it" told me all I needed to know.
‘You ain’t Black’ if you don’t vote for me
"Look at my record," he said. Well, we have. Extensively.
Biden kept on merrily insulting black voters with impunity given to the Party’s notable demagogues when he told NPR’s Lulu Garcia-Navarro that "Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things." His question to a black journalist, ‘Are You a Junkie?’ is also the stuff of legend.
But what he said to black kids on August 23, 1994, to the 103rd U.S. Congress is a perfect racist rant of a truly vicious man, our president Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. So please, listen to him as he expresses his true feelings, as he talks about “those gangs” "raping my mother, marauding me, robbing the local store," while he was pushing his vicious Crime Bill.
Even his current VP, the vacuous cackler Kamala Harris, while still employing literate speech and tweet writers, took a swing at Biden on the topic of busing for desegregation.

Before we fast forward Biden's Journey into Evil back to the future, let us do one last rewind, to one more of the Biden’s legendary racists remarks.

Back Toward the Future
A Syracuse Law School faculty report, dated Dec. 1, 1965, concluded that Biden had ''used five pages from a published law review article without quotation or attribution'' and that he ought to be failed in the legal methods course for which he had submitted the 15-page paper. Such “honest mistakes” cost Joe Biden his 1987 presidential bid but the Cabal on power had its keen eye on a corruptible, easily swayed man already. They had “our bastard” in the future president. The path for him was clear, unburdened by qualities such as strong character, honesty, unwavering principles, and genuine concern for others. This made him an ideal candidate for fifty or so years of political backstabbing, back-door shenanigans, and overall service to the powers that be.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman
The New Castle County Council was too small for both Joe Biden’s insignificant intellect and his more significant loyalty to the Party, so he was elected Senator, and soon after, given his notable accomplishments such as "failing a course due to an acknowledged ‘mistake’ when he plagiarized a law review article for a paper he wrote in his first year at law school," he found himself as the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman.
Note that I understand what sort of irony it would be if I quoted from so many works without properly citing the source; hence, all the sources are at the end of this essay.
The Party knows how to reward its faithful apparatchiks who know how to obey.
Allow me a small digression—serving as another Democratic senator at the same time as Joseph R. Biden Jr. was Ohio’s Howard M. Metzenbaum. A self-made millionaire, the late senator was renowned for his staunch criticism of shady and unethical business practices. He fearlessly fought against big business, championed the rights of labor and consumers, and successfully thwarted numerous special-interest bills. The Washington Post, then still a paper worthy of its legacy, wrote that Metzenbaum ”was the scourge of moneyed interests” adding that “he was the conscience of the Senate, who never shied away from the difficult fights, and never apologized for standing up for workers."
Ask yourself, when did Joe Biden truly:
battled moneyed interests
fearlessly fought against big business
championed the rights of labor and consumers
been a conscience of anything, and you’d understand why the Party gave him the Senate Judiciary Committee chairmanship and not the magnitude of order more capable Mr. Metzenbaum.
When meritocracy dies, "political suitability" and dull, vapid, mindless, utterly incompetent but subservient bureaucrats come into play. Over time, this led to a stagnation of ideas, rampant corruption, and inefficiency within the party and the government. One can recognize America's stale political waters in this communist forged term—"political suitability"—but when political conformity and loyalty within the party lead to a system where party officials are chosen based solely on their adherence to the ruling ideology rather than their competence or effectiveness in governance, this stifles innovation, discourages critical thinking, and limits the diversity of perspectives necessary for sound decision-making.
What you get is a Soviet Union-type of governance. And this is precisely what we have with Joe Biden—a decrepit party apparatchik, stumbling from a bike, falling down the stairs, and even on the red carpet in front of the military cadets, mirroring the sad, deteriorating state of the failing nation he’s dragging down with him. The grotesque nature of this situation is exemplified by the sight of wheeling in 90-year-old Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein into the Senate. Equaling Biden’s 53 years in the arcane rooms of power, she appeared not only “frail, weak, and pale” but also, like him, somewhat mentally absent.
Gerontocracy Biden and Feinstein represent would put even the old guard Chinese communists to shame. Mao Zedong died in office, aged 82, after being in office for a meager 31 years and 82 days, some 23 years shorter than each of those two. Please note that the concept of "political suitability," also applied in China’s governance, played a significant role in the downfall of the communist party and the Soviet Union. I daresay it would play a decisive role in the downfall of the United States unless we halt our collective sinking in the quicksand of woke demagoguery and reckless spending sprees with the purpose of enriching the industrial-military complex and the dismally corrupt bureaucracy supporting it. All that's needed is a Vogue magazine spread showcasing Biden and Feinstein as the "future of America" to seal us as the nation in the Twilight Zone dark chamber and send us toward the "Titanic" remnants.
So, being the Party’s foremost apparatchik devoid of a single original thought, Biden was set to preside over the Supreme Court confirmation hearings of Robert Bork, starting on September 15, 1987. It was during his tenure as the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee that Biden ran for the presidency in 1987. His campaign faced a major setback due to him being engaged in his favorite passtime, plagiarism, again. Biden plagiarized a speech by British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock during his closing remarks at a debate at the Iowa State Fair, presenting it as his own. Despite announcing his candidacy for president on June 9, 1987, Biden dropped out of the race on September 23. At that time, some forensically valid traces of accountability still existed in America.
As a result, Joseph R. Biden Jr.'s lack of honesty and his readiness to listen to his masters’ voice became firmly established as a welcomed fact and his cherished character trait, solidifying his position within the establishment as someone the powers that be can always count on to follow the most despicable party line. They like to rub propaganda feces into our faces, so as a thinly veiled racist, Biden was amply rewarded and given the VP position during Barack Obama's historic presidency as the first black person, and he returned the favor by granting Kamala Harris her own VP position as the first black woman. But that’s a cosmetic PR charade and a bone to the talking show figures to superficially talk about—is Kamala black or Indian, is Obama Kenyan or American nonsense—and for the public to quarrel over trivial details.
Who can really profit from having a man of such malleable, malicious character placed as our honorable Senator in Congress, our esteemed Vice president, and no less than the President placed in the White House?
The Financial Crime Cartel
Joe Biden played a significant role in shaping bankruptcy laws during his time in the Senate and was a key figure in the passage of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA) of 2005. The BAPCPA introduced several changes to the bankruptcy system, making it more difficult for individuals to file for bankruptcy and receive a fresh start. It also imposed stricter requirements and increased paperwork for bankruptcy filers. It was a boon to the Financial Crime Cartel and a blow to the people. Biden never swayed from his path of least resistance, rolling over the people so to help a lobbying buddy out.
They can always count on Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. to do their bidding.

”A millionaire thanks to book sales and speaking fees, Biden has long positioned himself as the champion of the middle class, a scrappy kid from Scranton who’s fought the good fight for decades,” wrote Murphy about that stooge for the Financial Crime Cartel and his PR polished, rather embellished, public persona.
In its expose, a subsidiary of, Axel Springer SE, the Politico wrote, “The disclosures offer a new, more comprehensive look at the money the Bidens amassed since leaving the White House—a sharp uptick from where their finances stood in the final years of the Obama administration and Biden’s time in the Senate, when he referred to himself as “middle-class Joe” and put a working-class life story at the center of his political campaigns.
The new documents show Joe Biden earned more than $4 million in late 2017 and 2018 from giving more than four dozen speeches, banking up to $235,000 for one appearance. He was paid $540,484 for in role at the University of Pennsylvania. And he owns a corporation, established to handle his post-White House speaking and book deals, now valued at between $1 and $5 million.”
Imagine someone bona fide paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to hear Joseph Biden Jr. speak.
Moreover, as an investigative report from the Philadelphia Inquirer reveals, "Professor Joe Biden" was "paid $1 million for never teaching by the University of Pennsylvania." While a grifter is someone who engages in dishonest or fraudulent schemes, often to deceive or swindle others for personal gain, one cannot in clear consciousness call Professor Biden's speaking, teaching, touring, or book writing fees as grifting. He simply took advantage of a well-oiled machine that is our completely corrupt political system. The system operates on the principle of "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours," with revolving doors and millions received for billions—of our money—given.
To be so amply rewarded and to pay back the favors, Joe Biden:
cast key votes that deregulated the banking industry,
made it harder for individuals to escape their credit card debts and student loans,
protected his state’s status as a corporate bankruptcy hub
discharged thousands of troops for refusing coronavirus vaccination
made the worst border crisis in U.S. history even worse (in fiscal 2022, there were almost 2.4 million encounters at the southern border, plus more than 600,000 known "getaways," and 98 people on the terrorist watch list were stopped near the border, reported The Washington Post).
led Ukraine into a suicidal, bloody war against Russia, jeopardizing the world with a nuclear war.
The list goes on and on, seemingly forever.
As an illustration of his workings de facto aginst the American people, the following paragraph from Tim Murphy’s in-depth work on Joe Biden’s servitude to the Financial Crime Cartel speaks volumes:
Biden supported a baby-step deregulatory effort in the early 1980s, and then, in 1994, he backed a very big one: the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act, which eliminated the remaining barriers to where banks could operate. The law passed with overwhelming bipartisan support and was fairly innocuous in some respects, codifying changes that were already happening at the state level.
But it opened the floodgates to an era of corporate consolidation.
Delaware’s financial institutions got another big boost in 1999, when Biden voted for the Financial Services Modernization Act, which repealed the Depression-era Glass-Steagall law barring banks from owning securities and insurance businesses. By 2016, there were almost 5,000 fewer banks in the United States than there were two decades earlier, and the 10 largest firms controlled half of all banking assets.
I’d be remiss not to briefly touch upon Biden's lucrative deals with China. Those would inspire a lot of books in the future, but for now let me only remind you that back in March 2023, “House Republicans announced that President Joe Biden’s relatives received a combined $1.3 million from a business associate with links to China. Hunter Biden, James Biden, the president’s brother; Hallie Biden, the president’s daughter-in-law; and a fourth unnamed Biden received the payments from business associate Rob Walker, according to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. The money was paid out after Walker received a $3 million wire transfer from a Chinese company, according to the panel.”
It would appear that nothing Joe Biden has done throughout his long illicit career has served the people, and everything has served his real masters—the Financial Crime Cartel’s oligarchy cabal—and along the way, he has enriched himself and his family.
A Small Tangent: Sniffing, Groping and Unwanted Kisses of Girls
That man is also a well-known creep. YouTube comments summarize that despicable behavior’s reality vs. how “friendly uncle / grandpa” Biden is presented in the media:
Seeing how uncomfortable the little girls were is sickening. Absolutely nauseating.
No, Joe, you're not the friendly grandpa, you're the creepy uncle
Political parties aside we should all agree these girls look terrified and violated. Completely unacceptable and disgusting. Imagine if those were your children
If you're not overly sensitive to the feast of depravity, take a look at the compilation of his sniffing, groping, and unwanted kisses of young girls, sometimes kids, and note that this is just a small slice of publicly available escapades by Biden. If anyone were to grope your kid like that creep, say during the barbecue party in your home, they’d be happy to get out alive and unhurt.
It is truly unbelievable and unacceptable, but should you wish to do so, judge it for yourself.
This comment got down to brass tacks: “It also feels like he's just rubbing in everyone's face that he can get away with this, even in public in front of all of these cameras and it's asinine. Really disturbing that people want him in office.”
“Really Disturbing That People Want Him in Office.”
Joe Biden has won the following elections throughout his political career:
United States Senate election in 1972 (Delaware)
United States Senate election in 1978 (Delaware)
United States Senate election in 1984 (Delaware)
United States Senate election in 1990 (Delaware)
United States Senate election in 1996 (Delaware)
United States Senate election in 2002 (Delaware)
United States Senate election in 2008 (Delaware)
United States presidential election in 2020
How come?
Have You No Sense of decency?
The man is a well-known racist, a child-molesting creep, and the Financial Crime Cartel's most faithful servant. Just the other day, on July 3rd, Joe Biden managed to nominate "Death Squad Backer Elliott Abrams," a famous "enemy of human rights and apologist for mass murder," to the United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. Tragically for the U.S., our shameful political throng of cowards in power do not have a single decent man to ask Biden, like Joseph Welch asked McCarthy back on June 9, 1954, "Have you no sense of decency?"
Since he entered the upper echelons of power during his VP role in the Obama Administration and now as president, when he serves at the pleasure of the powers that be, Biden has been revealed as someone who acts as a warmongering, money-grubbing gangster as he’s helping to destroy Ukraine and massacre its people. In my essay titled “The Biden's Regime: Brainwashing and Lies; The Twilight Zone zombification of America and Biden's regime madness accelerate at a frightening pace” I wrote:
“After two years of merciless, criminally deceptive brainwashing by Biden’s regime and the Cabal behind that grotesque cardboard puppet of the ventriloquists in the arcane, dark rooms where the deep state’s Dr. Jekyll dwells and from which they unleash Mr. Hyde and send him to kill, they’re confident that they can fool all the people all the time.”
Non-stop lies, relentless propaganda, and brainwashing manipulation of the nation using despicable "behavioral psychologists" as their cover attack dogs created a bland demagogic bilge, an ideological swamp, which we're forced to inhabit. Joe Biden is like a sacred cow, untouchable by even the gentlest inquiry about anything he does, has done, or will do in order to further denigrate the United States. Since the Hunter Biden saga that started in December 2019, the mass media has shifted from neglecting it to denying its existence and has transformed its party line "coverage" to downplay the entire affair. Now, they are portraying Joe Biden as a caring father to his troubled, addicted son.
Not even Pravda was as subservient to Joseph Stalin as our corporate press is to Joseph Biden. Even the sight of a seemingly stoned Hunter Biden on the White House balcony, celebrating the Fourth of July, after the Secret Service discovered cocaine in the West Wing, fails to prompt the media or the Party to say, "enough is enough." The continuous mockery and disregard for the American people resemble a perverted and debauched emperor peddling circuses to the plebs.
That newest Joe and Hunter Biden Criminal Enterprise media spin of a “loving father” would be a tear-jerking narrative worthy of Hollywood’s most maudlin productions if Hunter were not regarded as a skilled entrepreneur in the global oil industry, particularly in Ukraine, a savvy investor, and a widely recognized artist who earns millions for his services despite his battle with addiction. It would also be different if Joe Biden were not known for his harsh treatment of individuals struggling with addiction. Throughout his political career, he has played a significant role in advocating for and supporting stringent drug-related laws. As a senator, Biden was instrumental in shaping the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act and the 1994 Crime Bill, both of which had a profound impact on drug sentencing and contributed to the era of widespread imprisonment. The people who, like his son, suffer from addiction suffer even more while yet another industry Biden loves, the prison-industrial complex, thrives thanks to him.
If Hunter was treated according to the letter of the law that the "big guy," his loving father, has championed, he'd be behind bars for years already.
The “big guy” has been a genuine monster of heinous character who never knew what the hell he was blathering about. Listen to him during the confirmation hearing of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, back in 1991, when his age was not an excuse for such nonsensical verbiage. But I guess the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the position Joe Biden held at that time, gives you a prerogative to be a hubristic, empty-headed idiot
It’s all theater anyway.
Commenting on that video, UnsilentMajority1776 twitted:
“Biden is, and always has been a liar, cheat, creepy and a racist. He’s proven himself time and time again. Stealing identities, credentials and then called on them. “I did some dumb things and I will do dumb things again” pretty sure that’s what he said lol. Clarence Thomas is a good hearted fair guy and that is why we love him. Biden shits his pants, falls off bikes and stairs and has ruined our country while his crack head son breaks gun laws and bribes Govts while mainlining cocaine off the deep states ass.”
While the Peter principle is a concept in management that observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to "a level of respective incompetence," the Dunning-Kruger effect describes how people with low ability rise to power thanks to their ignorance, best seen in the phrase, "You don't know what you don't know."
If there's anyone who doesn't know what they don't know and is at the peak of their own incompetence, it's Joe Biden, the poster boy and champion of every mediocre ignoramus that has risen to power.
‘That fellow Down Under’
Joe Biden is an embarrassment for the United States of America and for every single one of us. I was in Russia during the last days of Boris Yeltsin's presidency, and virtually everyone I met was deeply ashamed of their alcoholic president. Once drunk, Yeltsin groped a reporter, and everyone cringed. Here, Joe Biden goes unpunished for over a half-fucking decade of lies, soiling his way to the top of Murica’s official ladder, so when he says, "And I want to thank that fellow Down Under,’ of Aussie PM Scott Morrison, he does not know his name.
That is the tiniest of examples of Joe Biden not knowing where he is, who the people he talks to are, or what the heck the rare brave journalists are asking, and yet that man still has the support of a significant portion of our nation.
What’s wrong with us? Truly?
Perhaps we admire Biden’s tireless fight for the human rights in America? Perhaps it’s not all that bad?
Joe Biden, Anti-Lynching Bill and the Freedom of Speech
On March 29, 2022, Biden signed into law the Emmett Till Anti-lynching Act, making lynching a federal hate crime for the first time in American history. Given how many lynching are occurring in the third decade of the 21st century—zero—it’s clear this is just another charade, and moreover, a PR stunt coming too late and doing too little to address growing problems our society faces on daily basis.
What is happening, in real time but Biden does not care about it, is as Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who was a foreign correspondent for 15 years for The New York Times before he was unceremoniously fired for the grave sin of not supporting the Iraq war, wrote, "the judicial lynching of Julian Assange has far more in common with the dark days of Lubyanka than the ideals of British jurisprudence." At home, Joe Biden had been parroting the most unsubstantiated accusations about Julian Assange for ages.
Biden for corporate media and their users consumption:
During the annual dinner of the White House Correspondents Association “Biden devoted the bulk of his remarks to a lengthy declaration of his opposition to the repressive measures taken against journalists in Russia, China, Iran, Syria and Venezuela, and pledges to devote US diplomatic efforts to winning the release of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, recently arrested on bogus spying charges in Russia, and other American prisoners of the Putin regime.”
Calling him a hypocrite would not be kind to the other professional actors.
(The word “hypocrite” comes from Late Latin hypocrita, Greek hupokritēs, actor, from hupokrīnesthai, to play a part, pretend.)
Biden for real for over a decade:
During the interview Biden gave to NBC's Meet the Press on December 19, 2010, he likened the WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, to a "hi-tech terrorist," thus expressing the strongest criticism yet from the Obama administration. Unless Biden was as high as Snoop Dog during his best times or Hunter in the West Wing, it’s clear he had no clue what "hi-tech terrorist" would even mean.
So when even the second-in-charge of the United States of America executive branch, now the U.S. president, called Julian Assange a “terrorist”, we ought to examine how the U.S. defines a “terrorist” in their own law namely, IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT (INA): ACT 212. Forgive the long quote from the Act; I am trying to make a point:
(iii) TERRORIST ACTIVITY DEFINED.- As used in this Act, the term "terrorist activity" means any activity which is unlawful under the laws of the place where it is committed (or which, if 4/ it had been committed in the United States, would be unlawful under the laws of the United States or any State) and which involves any of the following:
(I) The hijacking or sabotage of any conveyance (including an aircraft, vessel, or vehicle).
(II) The seizing or detaining, and threatening to kill, injure, or continue to detain, another individual in order to compel a third person (including a governmental organization) to do or abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the individual seized or detained.
(III) A violent attack upon an internationally protected person (as defined in section 1116(b)(4) of title 18, United States Code) or upon the liberty of such a person.
(IV) An assassination.
(V) The use of any-
(aa) biological agent, chemical agent, or nuclear weapon or device, or
(bb) explosive, 4/ firearm, or other weapon or dangerous device (other than for mere personal monetary gain), with intent to endanger, directly or indirectly, the safety of one or more individuals or to cause substantial damage to property.
(VI) A threat, attempt, or conspiracy to do any of the foregoing.
Does Joe Biden, the 76th-best graduate of the Syracuse Law School class of 1968 and former Chairman or Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee for 17 years, really think publishing U.S. Embassy cables is the same as hijacking an airplane, an assassination, or the use of a nuclear weapon?
Of course he doesn’t—like always, it’s all a public stunt, a brutal piece of propaganda meant to further brainwash us into supporting this shameful, egregious torture of a journalist, Julian Assange. One can safely assume that if Assange were free, we’d know more about Biden’s historical mission to "help" Zelensky and the direct military confrontation with Russia.
Real time comment: As I write this essay, “The most exigent matter on the table is once again the brewing Zaporozhye plant showdown. It’s now believed by some that Zelensky is planning to carry out the ZNPP falseflag in the next few days on the eve of the big NATO summit in Vilnius, which is on July 12.”
The nuclear sword of Damocles would not go away as long as Biden and those he represents hold power, and that mortal threat serves as a nice segue into the story of our times.
Match Made in Hell: Biden & Zelensky
When Russia annexed Crimea on February 20, 2014, then Vice President Biden “pressed President Barack Obama to take decisive action, and fast, to make Moscow ‘pay in blood and money’ for its aggression. Bear Biden’s bloodthirsty attitude and a grudge he carries in him for decades in mind when mulling over the Ukraine killing fields. The president, a Biden aide recalled, was having none of it,” wrote The New York Times.
In his 2017 ghost-written, insufferably boring, egocentric memoir titled "Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose," Biden wrote the most ominous note by saying that "Ukraine gave him a chance to fulfill a childhood promise to make a difference in the world."
Over those 53 years in various positions of power, Joe Biden failed to discover any sense of hope or purpose for America or its people.
Our bridges can crumble, but he prefers helping Ukrainians take down Russian bridges instead of fixing ours. Our veterans can go on killing themselves at a rate of 16.8 per day—just think about it once you’re done reading this essay; some might have killed themselves; even worse, at least 50 veterans took their own lives during the time I spent working on it—but Biden shows no concern for them or their widows or children, gleefully making the widows of Ukrainian and Russian men and their kids orphans in a country so far away that not many in the U.S. even know where it is or what it stands for. Our economy deteriorates, but he supports sending billions left and right to all sorts of criminals everywhere.
He looked at a faraway land he knew next to nothing about—despite his six visits there as the VP—so he began by making a change in his son Hunter's life, who was given a $50,000.00 a month "job" in Ukraine’s Burisma for peddling influence and took his time to cement his place in history as a man fighting with other people's sons and daughters to the "last Ukrainian".
I wrote extensively on the subject of Biden’s ghoulish war in Ukraine—you can search the Archive of this Stack or simply use the keyword search function on the site to find an appropriate essay—but it’s now time for me to move toward concluding this excursion into the heart of darkness.
Heart of Darkness
From his typical, arrogantly worded message of a bully—"You have to be whiter than snow, or the whole world will abandon you"—that he conveyed to Ukraine's then president, Petro O. Poroshenko, during a 2014 phone call, to his murky dealings with the Ukraine’s current president Zelensky, whom he generously provided with billions of our money without proper accountability, Biden's transition from Vice President to President was one big step for him and the cabal supporting him but a catastrophic leap for humankind, perhaps even likely leading to a tragedy of biblical proportions.
I would not underestimate a man’s on-the-deathbed madness, nor would I ever underestimate Biden’s egomaniacal, insane sense of his “historical” importance. While I have no doubts about Biden’s slow sinking into senility I am sure of two things:
Everything we’re allowed to see is for a show.
The president yields enormous power, even when old and demented and claims that “Russia is at war with Iraq” or tells the voters how “we have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean,” like Biden did.
Ponder how Obama never allowed himself to be sucked into Ukraine. So, even if he was yet another back-stabbing puppet of the Financial Crime Cartel and the powers that be, a marketing tool—let's not forget: Barack Obama won the “Marketer of the Year” award in 2008—as president, he had the power to keep the rabid warmongers at bay and was never willing to allow them to fulfill their wish and engage in war against Russia.
They had to wait for Joe Robinette Biden Jr. and his 'historical mission' to start on the path of no return.
Biden’s Journey to the End of the Night
“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone," said Jesus Christ, as recorded in the Gospel of John, John 8:7. But does that mean that I, a sinner with many feeble fallibilities, or any of us, are not allowed to criticize another human being who happens to hold the highest office in the nation?
Of course not. We’re keenly aware of our flaws, but such introspection seems to be lacking in Joe Biden. One cannot find an example of pure humanity in that man. Even when he speaks about his son Beau, who died of cancer at only 46 years old, Joe Biden must lie about his personal tragedy and talk about “his son Beau dying in Iraq." Such is the extension of his egomaniacal, megalomaniacal monomania that is now solely focused on Russia and the destruction of its still vigorous president, Vladimir Putin, by the means of another hypocritical actor, Zelensky.
Joe Biden is neither a wise, cute Uncle Joe nor a demented old man bereft of any power. Either image is carefully packaged and wrapped by the same soulless people who crafted Obama's “Marketer of the Year” persona or the Pfizer’s vaccine as panacea and sold it to us. We can roll our eyes in despair as he loudly hallucinates about railroads across the Indian Ocean, or we can laugh or feel sorry for him when he stumbles and falls, when he suffers ignominious ignobilities like any other actor forced to perform the duties of a trained seal would, while he would rather play war games with a nuclear-armed military superpower, as much as we wish.
But those would be our reactions to the play we watch from afar. We seem to have given up on democracy, forgetting that the word "democracy" comes from the combination of two Greek words: demos, meaning "people," and kratos, meaning "power" or "rule." The democracy we have forgone, in its essence, is supposed to be "rule by the people" or "power to the people" (us).
Alas, we have accepted the role of pawns for the people without caring about our lives. In the end, the blame is on us, not solely on Biden and his disastrous policies. So many of us put him in the White House; many of us keep him there, and by doing nothing to stop him, we de facto condone his insane proxy war against Russia.
As the captain of our ship, he works on sinking the majestic United States because his intention seems to be taking us all down with him or, at the very least, transforming us into mindless automatons, obediently serving the same masters he has faithfully served throughout his entire life.
Tragically, Joe Biden has become a skeletal shadow of his former, no matter how mean self, consumed by the raging bitterness of an aging, unloved man. While Dorian Gray indulges in a life of hedonism and immorality, his portrait ages and becomes more grotesque, reflecting the true nature of his soul. Joe Biden's immoral business deals, reprobate policies, and diabolical proxy war against Russia make him age and degenerate in front of our eyes. Sometimes, I fear that our souls might start to reflect his own as we, as a society, grow more impatient, intolerant, and ignorant.
The fraudsters surrounding Joe Biden may indulge his delusional "historical mission" with flattery and lies, but the truth remains that Joe Biden's so-called historical mission may lead to his own demise and our own destruction.
“The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it.
And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.”
—John F. Kennedy
Hall of Fame:
While I don't require subscriptions, essays older than 4 weeks are placed behind a paywall, except for the one labeled "legendary" and "Joe Biden’s Journey into Evil," which will remain freely accessible for as long as this Substack lives.
The Dark Side: Joe Biden's Journey into Evil (most read and most liked)
FEAR & LOATHING of Woke America: love letter to fallen language (legendary)
The Operation Unthinkable: World War III (1) (an overlooked gem).
Honorable mention:
Mind Control Series (5) Child Abuse: PURE EVIL (painful, somewhat neglected)
CIA: A Spider Wasp in Our Belly (I’m proud of this one, but it’s most ignored).
My novels at Amazon:
Tycho Brahe Secret—a dystopian novel dealing with our current issues with a twist.
Jung's Demon: A serial-killer’s tale of love and madness—a brutal psychological thriller.
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Works Cited:
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As a foreigner, I don't see the USA as the shining light of democracy, only a circus with too many billboards for cats pretending to be lions. The flag-wagging fervour of Democrats and Republicans is cultish, creating an unfortunate destiny for further personal loss. I'm sure that's exactly what your military industrial complex and other corporates wanted to create, a Hollywood version of America that dances and dances and dances. The USA is a dangerous comedy show for an international audience.
I feel dirtier having just read about this human excrement. That said, it was an excellent piece and written with all the scorn required for proper understanding of this most heinous subject. Thank you.