Oct 3Liked by Trygve E. Wighdal


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Motherfuckers indeed.

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Well, I must say that you are a gifted writer. And most importantly, one who feels compelled to address the issues that confront our society and humanity as a whole. I believe that America must take the lead into Universal Peace and lead the world on this issue instead of provoking conflict and war, simply because it is controlled by the military industrial complex that benefits by war. People in government must stand up and speak the truth regardless of the consequences, because fear-based employment is no way to live, and they become de-facto accomplices to the madness of their supervisors. No matter what they do, there is pain and anguish, so it's best to be truthful and to bring about real change for the better instead of continuing the lies, deceit and subterfuge that we have come to know so well.

Namaste, Edward William Case

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Oct 4Liked by Trygve E. Wighdal

Peace is not profitable, unfortunately, money is in the war, perpetual war 😐

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War is a racket; we've known this since Smedley D. Butler. But it has metastasized into a Venom-like black blood, a black substance that has infected the whole nation and is slowly, not just poisoning, but killing us all.

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For long-term prosperity peace is the most profitable.

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In an ideal world, yes. Unfortunately, we are hairless apes and have a tendency to fight with each other over territory, resources, or watch other tribes fighting while selling “defensive” weapons to both parties.

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Oh, yes. The short-term very profitable gains for certain segments of western society and connected Banderans has been enormous. They are all sociopaths, if not psychopaths. And globalists.

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Oct 3Liked by Trygve E. Wighdal

it’s impossible to hate these ghouls enough.

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Oct 3Liked by Trygve E. Wighdal

Nothing worse than being angry, and not being able to do anything about it except . . . elections . . that you can’t be sure about.

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Oct 3Liked by Trygve E. Wighdal

That scene, and millions of others just like it, are the calculated, desired result of deliberate policies. Americans suffering is the whole point. The wokust-globalist coalition hates nation states, especially America. Their goal is to destroy societies, dissolve countries, and usher in their glorious New World Order.

What's hard to understand is how the coalition has found a huge group of thugs and petty tyrants to do the associated dirty work against their fellow citizens.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Trygve E. Wighdal

When will people understand that we are all Palestinians now?

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Damn, that's dark.

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Not dark enough: “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.” ― George Orwell, 1984 ... And remember; it is forever.

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Before I killed myself, I recalled—"Don't let it happen," is how he finished his warning.

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Oct 6Liked by Trygve E. Wighdal

Get the Navy Seabees to do it. Besides doing construction we also train in doing disaster Recovery they have all of the equipment to do it. When I was stationed in Gulfport, MS we sent men and equipment down to Homestead, FL to help in the clean up and repairs after they were hit by hurricane andrews.

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That image is an AI fake

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Fantastic article. My take from earlier today:


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Tryg, the people vote for the free stuff. Most of the population wasn't t bothered by Helene so the devastation is abstract. That's why the people repeatedly support our forever wars.

Defendin' democracy is easy.

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I see people talking about the photo of the girl and the dog.

They think it looks fake and I have to agree.

Where did this photo come from?

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I wrote the article but didn't give credit to the photo, so it could potentially be AI-generated. I even asked another AI to evaluate the probability, and its response is quoted below. In my opinion, whether it’s AI-generated doesn’t really matter. It's still an image, much like a modern-day painting that reflects reality. After all, a human had to write the prompt. As such, it serves as a valid illustration for the point I was making in 'The Criminal Admin in One Image.'

AI analysis of the said image:

"Assessing the probability that an image was AI-generated requires careful analysis of factors such as unnatural details, lighting inconsistencies, or other elements that might hint at digital creation. However, without specialized tools for AI detection, providing a definitive percentage is challenging. Based on a visual inspection, here are some factors that could indicate whether an image is AI-generated or not:

Realism of the Scene: The image shows a high level of realism, with natural human and animal expressions and a chaotic, emotional environment. Typically, AI-generated images struggle with realistic, intricate emotional details, especially in faces or interactions between humans and animals.

Facial Details and Expression: AI-generated images often show some flaws in facial features (e.g., asymmetry, strange eye positions). The girl and the dog in this image have highly emotional, believable expressions, which are more characteristic of a real photograph.

Background Elements: The water, boats, and people in the background seem consistent and detailed. AI-generated images may sometimes have difficulty rendering multiple layers of realistic depth and background scenes without visual artifacts.

Clothing and Environmental Consistency: The life jacket, wet hair, and overall setting seem contextually appropriate and consistent. AI can sometimes introduce oddities in texture or materials, but none are immediately apparent here.

Given this evaluation, the probability that the image was AI-generated seems low, but without specialized tools, an exact percentage can’t be determined. For a more precise analysis, tools designed to detect AI-manipulated images or metadata extraction would be necessary."

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I can tell you that I had an emotional reaction immediately upon seeing the photo. If it turns out to be fake, it'll feel like a manipulative violation.

I'm not blaming you for using the image. I didn't see it on your Stack first. You aren't making any claims about its authenticity.

Something about the photo seems off. It's just too perfect, too good to be true.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, maybe an AI prompt to create an impactful photo isn't a particularly innocent endeavor.

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I get it. While this feels a bit over the top for my own sensitivities, I fear we’ll be facing 'manipulative violations' more and more as time passes. Whether it’s AI-generated or not, the image was chosen for its impact, not to deceive. That aside, forgive my rushed, almost banal thinking here: we’re being manipulated 24/7 by everything around us. Love the movies? Well, 24 fps of still images create the illusion of moving pictures. Our gut bacteria send messages via the vagus nerve, and our brain thinks we 'need' a sweet treat when, in reality, it’s a colony of billions of foreign bodies in us, manipulating us.

With AI, we’ll have to adjust. Think of chess. Since Deep Blue beat Gary Kasparov, we’ve grown used to chess machines being vastly superior, even to Magnus Carlsen, who nowadays stands no chance against a machine. Personally, I can't stand AI-generated images, and with that particular one, I consulted my photographer friend and the AI I mentioned earlier, trying to guess. I even went on several AI image-generating programs trying to recreate the image, but all they gave me back was garbage.

To be honest, your comment kept me awake, as this feels like venturing into territory I would hate. I have an article scheduled for October 15th, and if you're around to read it, you'll see that everything in that post has been AI-generated. I did it as an experiment for an editor friend of mine, and I completely tricked him (caveat: he's a n00b). I am curious if it would provoke any reactions.

Zoom out. Think about what 'they' can do with manipulation if they devote all the resources and time to achieve what they want. I fear a life in which nothing will be real anymore, and we'd all collectively go insane.

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Haha yes, you are right of course.

You've reminded me, and us, to take a step back and behold the bigger picture.

We're swimming in propaganda of all sorts. My dad used to like to say that all propaganda is manipulation. Seems true enough to me.

I'm glad you used the photo and have been open to this discussion.

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