Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Trygve E. Wighdal

The woke left mindset is unable to follow a chain of logical, provable causation, in which A causes B, B causes C, C causes D...

Instead the wokust engages in a motley collection of specious insinuations, shallow implications, and vague incidental associations. These are strung together in lieu of rational logic, then presented as some kind of proof as to how one thing instigates another.

For example, if you call attention to left-leaning assassins trying to kill Trump, such mere noticing is blamed for the violence per se. Or another example, noticing that incompatible immigrants repeatedly engage in violent crime, becomes the source of amorphous "hate" that will cause undefined violence to descend upon some unspecified victim by some unknown perpetrator.

None of this is provable by empirical methods, nor does any of it conform to rules of logic. On the contrary, it's a noxious mix of circular reasoning, confirmation bias, prior restraint, and belief in magic words to shape reality. It's speculation piled upon telepathically derived motives piled upon hysterical caricatures and paranoid projections. But it's the way wokusts conceptualize (I won't dignify it as thinking). Somehow it's infected the justice system, the media, academia, and all social dialogue, and it's destroying each and every bit of society. It deserves a name of its own, so that the anti-woke can recognize it and effectively fight it (perhaps 'String of Specious Insinuations and Vague Associations', SSIVA).

As to its origins, that's best left as a separate essay about the fallout of postmodernism/postrealism on western civilization, including the refusal to believe there can be such as thing as objective truth.

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Sep 16Liked by Trygve E. Wighdal

Normalizing the Insane®is spot on! Since the first time you used it.

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Sep 16Liked by Trygve E. Wighdal

They will kill him after all??

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Very likely, I am afraid. This is the most criminal government on Earth at the moment, it seems. The Cabal, controlling it.

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The concept of killing the opponent was well established in long ago by the Deep State a/k/a Military Industrial Corporate Complex. There are two easy ways to tell who is involved with this malevolent group. One is to look at George HW Bush's funeral and see who sat behind the family and see who sat behind Trump. The other is the 200 list of Republican defectors such as Cheney, the head of this malevolent group which is against Humanity and Freedom who now support Harris. Trump is not a phony. He does not read script created by bosses, and is a real Presidential Candidate not a machine like Harris. The DNC will utilize all illegal methods to win even assassination as has been attempted twice. These so-called Elite evil forces are ganging together as seen in the debate which was unfair and these people must be eliminated from all future governments and if possible, we humans can run our affairs without Government. The scale of corruption is beyond insane, and we must put an end to this charade. There is a split or divergence of the old ways as typified by the DNC and its insane agenda and the rest of the world that wants a compassionate, caring system to develop without enemies that are created by the Deep State for their fear mongering purposes. All of this has been a grand deception and those most deceived have been the Democrats that support the DNC. When it is proven that human clones exist and have been used in political circles and for the generation of money in the Entertainment sector as slaves for the Elite, you will then know how evil the program is and has been. Also the reason for refusal of the gov't to address the UFO issues is because the ET's occupy human bodies and with their level of tech this is entirely possible. We have been played fools long enough. It's time to discard the entire system and put these evil beings where they belong. In a black hole.

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