Sep 2Liked by Trygve E. Wighdal

I wonder what position in Harris - Walz administration this ambulance-chaser would get? Ministry of Propaganda?

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Nah, he's too stupid for it, like most of them. A confederacy of dunces aiming to take the helm of a rudderless America. Insane.

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Let's not forget about dear Al and the arson and murders at Freddy's Fashion mart.

All he needed to do to become respectable for the democrats was stop wearing track suits, lose the Jerry-curl and somehow land a gig on MSNBC.

Gotta admit. I used to enjoy watching Sharpton and Melissa Harris-Perry. At the time they were the two stupidest hosts of infotainment I could find. Made Hannity appear smart.

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I don't disagree that he is an ambulance chaser and an opportunist. But why is it that when a woman laughs--and rarely if ever when a man does--you use the word "cackle"? Could you please try to use English in a less propagandist manner (I know--everybody is doing this) and use words that are not "gender specific" (which is itself a EUPHEMISM for misogynistic) in describing her laugh? It turns me off to everything you are saying. And I fucking AGREE with you. She isn't cackling. She's fucking LAUGHING.

We can't afford reparations in any case since we're so busy giving the 1% interest on all the money we "borrowed/generated" in supporting these ridiculous "wars" in Ukraine and Israel. (They are the people who own the Federal Reserve, dontcha know?) Now, THEY cackle. And they have a LOT to CACKLE about. Specifically: How badly we are all being SHELLACKED.

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If a man were to laugh in that manner, I'd call it BRAYING.

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When donkeys bray they aren't laughing. Seriously, all this misogynistic gobbledy-gook about Harris is unnecessary. The real issue is bad enough. Don't alienate half the human population with your characterization. Just tell the fucking truth. And use English the way she was meant to be used, please. Men snort and wheeze and bare their (long) teeth.

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I applaud your ballsy alienation of half the human population with "men [that] snort and wheeze and bare their (long) teeth." I also tip my hat to your self-admiration over that wonderfully written "misogynistic gobbledy-gook," considering my own oft-used "misandritic gobbledy-gook" aimed at that cackling hyena's idiotic boss, the vile and cranky Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., who, at his core, is not a very bright, hubristic misanthrope—and whose carbon copy of evil is our dear Kamala.

When something is annoying, I call it like I see it—whether it's braying, cackling, snorting, squawking, yowling, or bellowing. These are metaphors, much like screeching, howling, grunting, or caterwauling. Your comment's onomatopoeia would be akin to a hubristic teacher's nails on a blackboard.

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Love blackboards. You get my point. You can criticize without being sexist. Please. I have plenty of complaints about Harris myself. Although I'm focusing now more on the Federal Reserve and banking system behind it. All the politicians are puppets, as far as I am concerned.

My neighbors have donkeys. Their braying at sunset is more like the singing of the coyotes and wolves and foxes. Really quite beautiful and moving.

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