17 hrs agoLiked by Trygve E. Wighdal

Not watching the videos. I've watched my share of horrors. And that is enough to cope for me. Bringing older topics to the table, that we are still not allowed to investigate, is a bit off topic. Unless a agenda demands it. Israel has a history of telling lies without end. Just as the US has lied about every country they attacked for profit and power. And millions of children paid the ultimate price. Today they even attack their own people with healthcare as a weapon. George Soros is still alive and doing his part.

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Sep 22Liked by Trygve E. Wighdal

I forced myself to watch this...but could only make it to halfway...

I am sickened, disgusted, saddened but informed.

Thank you for a very powerful piece of work.

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True genocide is terrible, but that doesn’t make what you have written true. Your post appears to be speculative and sensational; and I wonder how good your “sources” are?

Get past one eye for one eye, and finding justice gets harder; I wonder what Hammurabi would say if an enemy’s village of about 1,000 people attacked one of his own of, say, 100, and killed half (50 men); would H. say kill 50 from the larger village, or kill 500 (half)?

What do you think H. would have done?

Blending ancient crimes and modern ideas of justice doesn’t make a lot of sense.

But then, I don’t think being fair and honest was your intent.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Trygve E. Wighdal

Ancient crimes that have been told by the same liars that lied about Oktober 7th. If one must mention a Holocaust don't forget Holodomor and Dresden... The IG Farben factory fiction stories we are not to touch yet. We are forbidden to investigate, question and debate, as it is outlawed by our criminals in government. No one mentions the resistance any more or the raped and beaten to death. 10s of millions still waiting for their story to be written, while we wait for real free speech. While the new IG Farben factories are being build in Australia. mRNA...

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It seems obvious to me that Israelis are just another kind of racial supremacist, with Zionism as the hard core instantiation. The abominations perpetrated against Palestinians are further proof that Israelis have lost all claim to moral supremacy supposedly derived from the Holocaust. I would also argue that their brethren in other countries are the same, except they promulgate a stealth soft power version called tikkun olam, which they infiltrate into their host populations in order to concoct a fake moral authority.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Trygve E. Wighdal

I cannot understand how one can be this hard indoctrinated, to a point of having no value for human life. But the same is happened in Ukraine. And those 2 are connected, since their inception. Colonial rulers do not value the life's of their target countries to butcher, esp. after they took control.

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