Sep 17Liked by Trygve E. Wighdal

Do you ever sleep dude?

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I do. This isn't my work; a friend who prefers to stay anonymous sent it to me. Finally, something neutral, without my flowery language.

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Congressman Dan Goldman spoke on national television after the second attempt, stating that trump should be: "Eliminated". This Fascist insanity should result in his arrest for complicity with anyone who acts on the congressman's encouragement to kill Trump. This statement is an example of the mindset of the DNA, the Deep State and MIC all of which are in power to destroy all of humanity. They want world domination and will settle for nothing less. The poor mindless supporters of the DNC are brainwashed as is a good friend of mine. An armchair supporter who relies on CNN and does not think or investigate for himself. he is misled and on the wrong track. Convinced by these evil bastards, he can't even think for himself. He needs them to tell him how to act and think. It is sad we have come to this. I saw it years ago and tried to discuss it but no one listened. Of course they were not interested in anything but material items and greed. Corruption has infiltrated government with beings who are soul-less and some may even be human clones. with all of the secrecy behind area 51 I believe that they have incredible malevolent tech they are using against humanity now and in the past. We need to end secrecy and stop the false enemy games.

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