Those who desperately need jailing are in the Military Industrial Complex, Deep State and DNC especially the human clone Hilary Clinton.

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Thanks to Project Mockingbird, all the MSM has become Amerika's version of Pravda.

The Sovietization of the USSA (already a fait accompli) will inevitably lead to Stalinization and the destruction of the USA.

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When so-called representatives speak of the "State" or "Government" as separate and distinct from its people, it is because it has never been a Government by, of and for the people. It has been a government dominated by the MIC and Deep State with their unsavory alliances with malevolent beings who happen to reside in Antarctica. Hence John Kerry's visit there etc. He was not there to see "Climate Change" the lies get thicker and thicker. We need the bottom to drop out and total collapse of the Elite.

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I'm beginning to think that Russia is far mor "Democratic" than the US. Maybe even Constitutional as well.

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I need to point something out here. Newsome, Trudeau and Macron all act and think alike. Almost like human clones or Biorobots with no feeling, no emotion, cold calculating inhuman reactions. This is NOT human. Just like those people freezing up is NOT human. They are made by the MIC deep underground and used to generate money for the Deep State and MIC. Watch the June 12, 2023 National Press Club event held by Steven Greer and learn about the real tech. People need to wake up to how serious and imminent the danger really is. These beings are ruthless. We must stop them at all costs.

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