Jun 28Liked by Trygve E. Wighdal

The debate was sad. Looks like Biden's prep was less 'Camp David' and more 'Camping Trip Gone Wrong.' Maybe next time they should skip the s'mores and focus on complete sentences. At this rate, the only thing Biden will be debating is whether he remembers where he left his keys.

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I frankly thought they'd be able to make a drug cocktail that would get him through the debate; otherwise, everyone should have known how sad that affair might end up being.

Jill has not chosen wisely when choosing his medical abusers.

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Jun 28Liked by Trygve E. Wighdal

"His medical abusers" is correct.

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The American Political scene and system has grossly failed the people, and IMHO has abused us and our intelligence for decades. What we see is a scam, deception and lies being played out by a Deep State in the background, attempting to maintain its control over the truth from being exposed. We have been lied to about everything. The le started so very long ago when the Annuaki came to earth to mine gold and created human beings to serve as slaves for their mining efforts. They were acting as GODS and they or another malevolent ET species put into the minds of humans that they were ALONE in the entire universe, a huge lie, but very effective in hiding advanced malevolent ET's who work outside of the visible light spectrum of human beings. Their advanced tech allows them to appear human and to create human clones which have been and are in use to this day. All of this information is seeping into the human consciousness through the internet and souls who have the ability to channel these benevolent beings. Lee Carroll channels Kryon and Daryl Anka channels Bashar. Lee has been to the United Nations 7 times to channel Kryon. The information they provide is amazing, factual, historical, and futuristic. I wrote it off at first and nonsense. But over time, I knew it was real as it permeated my soul and very being. We are in a state of massive change from 3D to 4D and ultimately 5D, and our DNA and entire body, and energy body is being changed. Humanity has decided to change time lines and drop the old Low Consciousness warring repetitive scenario with all of the bad Karma. There will be no more Karma as the slate is wiped clean never to be repeated. Humanity will emerge in a peaceful, compassionate form not subject to the negative influences as before. Namaste Edward William Case.

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At his best ,Biden is an angry pervert.

He will be replaced with Newsom .

I'm pretty sure of that.

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I just updated the article:

While Biden is an angry pervert at his best, that tells me he will not be replaced. They're mean, stupid, and evil, the Cabal behind him. Last time, they hid him in the basement and created 81,000,000 votes. A huge propaganda machine can be coerced to get over their hiccup of criticizing him in the aftermath of the disaster and shift into a higher gear with him as a winner who had a cold vs. a convicted felon liar who would destroy America.

And who's better to "save" it than a man who was a vice president for 8 years and the president for 4, with all those glorious results behind him. Hey! His resolute single-handedly stopped Putin from being in Berlin and Montana in one fell swoop, while Trump will sign over the White House lease to him. It must bear repeating: they have enough ideologues to vote for Biden, 40% of the country that depends on the government, enough illegals to cast their own, and a well-oiled rigging machine if everything goes south.

I am more pessimistic than ever and more ready to eat my own words as the worst prediction ever, without arugula salad.

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Jun 28Liked by Trygve E. Wighdal

On this we agree. All we need to make things worse is for something to go wrong with Ukraine.

Just keep hoping things will get better, while securing the necessary supplies for any surprise that may come up.

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