CIA: A Spider Wasp in Our Belly
No one is safe from the CIA’s poisonous touch. Nowadays, we're all—we, the citizens here, at home in the U.S. and in the West—their targets.
Here’s a metaphor for you: Spider wasps (CIA) are known for their predatory behavior of hunting spiders (a hostile target in their parlance), which they paralyze and use as hosts for their larvae (the U.S. Machiavellian interests). The spider wasp injects venom (propaganda, subversion) into the spider's body, causing it to become paralyzed but not killed. The wasp then lays its eggs (of destruction) on the spider's body and buries it in a nest. When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the still-living spider, consuming it from the inside out.
Is this the right metaphor?
One might instead imagine the CIA as a parasite that cozily lives within our country, feeding on our society's blood and our economy's treasure (and some black budgets, but talking about them from the position of an insider in the know puts you in jail; John Kiriakou, for one, made the mistake of talking about their devious business and became a target of the saintly Obama administration’s war on whistleblowers, and served time behind bars). It's a long-term relationship the CIA has with us, but it's not immediately clear how we, the host, benefit from the parasite that's the CIA. Some parasitic worms, such as helminths, may help regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation in the human body, but we can't make any connection between the agency's function and helminths. Or does the CIA have resemblance to the liver fluke parasite that provokes bile duct cancer? The behavior of the CIA, for sure, resembles that of carcinogenic tissues.
Demon Seed
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was established on September 18, 1947, in order "to coordinate and conduct intelligence activities outside of the United States" and "to protect national security." Drunk on newly acquired power, the CIA has read the "protecting national security" bit as carte blanche, so almost immediately, without any restrictions or limitations, they started to meddle with other people’s affairs and their countries. Ponder their famous “success” in Iran.
On Aug. 19, 2013, the CIA publicly admitted for the first time its involvement in the 1953 coup against Iran's elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh. The book All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror by Stephen Kinzer is a great source about the CIA coup that emboldened the agency. Mossadegh wasn’t "our guy" at all. A beloved figure in Iran, he nationalized the Iranian oil industry. A grave sin we’ve made him atone for by making him spend the rest of his life under house arrest until his death in 1967 and installing Mohammad Reza Pahlavi’s dynasty in Iran. But this smells more like protecting the (private) oil industry interests than the national interest. Our guy Pahlavi was known for its Westernization initiatives, with a welcome touch of political repression and human rights violations. How does supporting tyranny in a faraway land help Americans? Alas, the Iranians did not like the monarchy that tortured them. Fast forward, and we had the Islamic Republic of Iran, led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, with a strong theocratic and anti-Western orientation. They themselves may not be the most democratic society, despite our purported mission to create democratic societies worldwide. Why is how other people organize their societies our concern anyway?
In Iran, the CIA's shenanigans have created a perpetual enemy for ourselves, which is a boon for our industrial-military complex, although it is not quite clear how all of that mess has contributed to our national security. That we don't give a hoot about Iranians is a given, but one must wonder how the CIA's Iran coup contributed to the well-being of Americans. Truly, how?
As cancer does, mission creep occurred, and the CIA metastasized.
“Top Secret America” is America’s Business
The 'CIA' is now a symbol for the malign growth of another industrial complex, that of spying on us. We have all these national security agencies, such as the National Security Agency (NSA), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Department of State's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), the United States National Security Council, and countless other spies whose sole purpose, it would seem, is to siphon money from the Matrix and spy on us, collect our data and treat us as potential national security risk, all of us. Cue in TSA child molestation and useless—but mind-programming technique by coercion—shoe removals in our airports. (“Let's not forget that in 2015, the TSA sent internal investigatory units, "red teams," to airports around the nation to see whether they could sneak explosives and guns through the screening process and onto planes—which they did 67 out of 70 times,” wrote the Reason magazine back in 2015. It seems the CIA’s effectiveness is closing in on the TSA’s own as far as "our protection." Think 9/11 hijackers or the October 2000 al-Qaeda bombing of the USS Cole, where the CIA, despite having an eye on the suspects and future perpetrators, failed miserably.
Before The Washington Post has became a CIA propaganda outlet itself, on Jul 19, 2010 wrote: “Some 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies work on programs related to counter-terrorism, homeland security and intelligence.” It’s hard to believe that The Post once wrote stuff such as: “The government has built a national security and intelligence system so big, so complex and so hard to manage, no one really knows if it’s fulfilling its most important purpose: keeping citizens safe.”
For a giggle, try the Project’s main webpage at The Post. Let me spare you time—it’s not on The Post’s website anymore; it’s been scrapped, scattered, and made difficult to find as the link re-directs to The Post’s homepage. (it’s archived on the Way Back Machine anyway, the link’s in the sources below the article)

That’s why I used the spider wasp metaphor for the CIA and the spying-industrial complex the CIA represents; because it’s a parasitoid, and like the CIA, a parasitoid has characteristics of both predators and parasites. In a nutshell, a parasitoid is a "type of organism that spends a significant portion of its life cycle attached to or inside another organism, ultimately resulting in the death of the host."
That's where we're headed.
In the U.S., I can still write and publish an non-sycophantical article about the CIA like this. The First Amendment protects my right to speak freely, right or wrong. This is at stake in the U.S. today. If we flippantly wave our fundamental rights goodbye and our homegrown equivalent of SAVAK (the Ministry of Intelligence and Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran) or the Gestapo during Nazi Germany will start busting down our doors for thought crimes.
This is not bleary-eyed hyperbole. AOC gloated over the silencing of a journalist, Tucker Carlson, who was critical of her party. A member of Congress threatened another journalist, Matt Taibbi, with jail. That’s moronic and insane but not a laughing matter.
Let us not tread lightly for they’re already knocking at our doors.
The CIA's Psychopath Mindset (Then and Now)
The CIA, from its inception, “carried out assassinations, coups, torture, and illegal spying and abuse, including of US citizens, many of which were exposed in 1975 by the Church Committee in the Senate and the Pike Committee in the House,” wrote Chris Hedges in 2022 but now I am wondering are we going to wait another 60 years until the CIA “finally admits” it’s been manipulating us? After all, The Snowden revelations began ten years ago, in June 2013, and they revealed details about the NSA's global surveillance programs, including the collection of metadata from U.S. citizens by the NSA under the Patriot Act. This metadata included phone records, internet usage, and other communications data. Yours and mine included. It metastasized and now we all are the suspects.
Check out the mentality behind the CIA work, way back, in Chile:
CIA’s snake hissing—“What human price? Gimme a break!”—once properly translated into human language of the Chilean National Commission for Truth and Reconciliation’s final report gives us 3,428 documented cases of disappearance, killing, torture and kidnapping, including short accounts of nearly all victims whose stories it heard.
Swagger, Gin and Scotch
Duane "Dewey" Clarridge was "known for swagger, a taste for gin and scotch, and for showing up at work sporting all-white suits with flashy, silk pocket squares," the media was swooning over the flamboyant spy. Once a fawning sycophant, always a fawning sycophant.
Even more famous was his role in the Iran-Contra scandal along the lines of Catch-22’s Milo Minderbinder—he was involved in the illegal arms sales to Iran and the diversion of the profits to support the Contras in Nicaragua and was also involved in the cover-up of the scandal, including obstructing investigations by Congress. He was subsequently indicted on seven counts of perjury and false statements charges in 1991, related to his testimony before Congress about the Iran-Contra affair. Then, of course, he was pardoned by President George H.W. Bush in 1992 before the case could go to trial. Needless to say, George H.W. Bush was, as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 1976 to 1977, Clarridge’s direct superior.
Like the Mafia, the CIA takes care of its own. Always. His ashes were placed in a silver-plated artillery shell. The price of human suffering he left behind on his path? Gimme a break.
“National Security” Justifies Everything
The citizens of the U.S. are victims of all these intelligence agencies that have mushroomed over the years. The CIA, FBI, and deep state operatives have been destroying our lives, impoverishing our treasury, and damaging our intellectual landscape by reducing it to a propaganda wasteland and reducing us to targets of their brainwashing techniques.
They feel free to waste our money and trample on our rights and our freedoms. They are imprisoning innocent people and installing criminals in all positions of power, including media and tech companies. Moreover, they use mass media as a behavior modification system that normalizes the insane and makes the unacceptable acceptable. Take a look at the most recent examples of the mission creep, of a blatant destruction of the First Amendment, the most valuable right we have in this country, a right to live, breathe, work and speak free.
”Will anybody be able to POLICE what Carlson says?" (emphasis mine) said despicable thought police enforcers in Goebbelsian media. A truly deplorable bunch of little fascists on NBC, dreading Tucker Carlson as an independent. They have no clue what independent means, so it must be something truly scary.
Am I angry? Hell yes, I am angry. Who do those people think they are? I was granted political asylum in the U.S. due to the persecution I suffered for my work as a journalist back home. When I see this on NBC with that ex-CNN clown Brian Stelter, a sniveling weasel who was awarded for his propaganda work with the Walter Shorenstein Media and Democracy Fellowship at the CIA’s recruiting joint, Harvard Kennedy School, it enrages me. "Journalists" suggesting a direct violation of Carlson's First Amendment rights? Who would be able to police him, they ask? How dare they?
Mind you, in my time back home, the government tried to install the police in my newspaper and we had to physically defy the deputy minister of the Interior Ministry to prevent him from controlling our work. And now I have to, we all have to, witness these clowns masquerading as 'journalists," as they are suggesting an egregious violation of First Amendment rights and get away with it? It's a disgrace that they are disregarding the First Amendment in the very country that thrived because of it. I am not only livid, but also a bit deflated when CNN enters the same game, albeit in a more cunning way.
”Do you Want Ukraine to Win this War?”
The CNN propagandist insisted on asking Donald Trump, "Do you want Ukraine to win this war?" from her high horse, where The Narrative and countless billions sent to die in someone’s pockets, placed her. "I want everybody to stop dying," answer by the former president, a horrible blasphemy, she faced with a strength of a saint. How dare you value human lives, anyone?
She tried again, insisting that he "won’t say he wants Ukraine to win" and freaking out again about "who should win the war." In less than a minute, that propaganda ghoul managed to spew "winning," "winning," "winning," and "winning" four times because our billions thrown away to pay for death and bribery need a “victory” as justification. Dead people, those dying as the former president mentioned? Who cares.
She didn't have even a shred of decency programmed into her bot-like approach to at least pretend to care about human lives and people's tragedies. Her job was to "get him" by blathering propaganda points they've themselves created about him over the years.These are the media people shaping public opinion, modifying audience behavior, trained by and controlled by what the CIA represents, like a spider wasp controlling and ultimately killing its prey.
I expected a huge hologram of Zelensky to appear, swooshing from the floor to the ceiling, and to righteously frown at the puny "stop killing" blasphemer beneath. But the CNN imagination did not go further than the white hat-black hat paradigm, and dressed that propagandist like the Virgin Mary dressed in white in Lourdes, France, in 1858 (as in the visions of St. Bernadette Soubirous in Massabielle grotto). They thought the white hat costume would suffice to trick the people into trusting them while forgetting an ancient truth.
“If you are untrustworthy, people will not trust you.”
― Lao Tzu
A Silver Lining
I was black-pilled all the way back during the Al Gore concession speech. "Damn, they're all the same," I realized. Now that I am so pissed off and certain that there are millions of equally angry people, I believe that the media's brainwashing and uni-party fascism can be stopped. It should be stopped, that's for sure. If there is a place in the world that still has a chance, it's the U.S., no matter how bleak it looks today.
They've lost any resemblance of dignity or humanity—our "leaders" and their poisonous, policy-making spider wasps in charge—they're pushing it too far. Unless they kill us all because of that bloody money-laundering operation in Ukraine we'd get the chance.
Tucker Carlson's announcement that he will soon bring his new news program to Twitter has garnered a staggering 120.2 million views at the time of writing. Many of us understand how precious and irreplaceable the First Amendment is for the U.S. and how crucial it is for the future of our society. I believe that there are enough of us who would endure this wholesale attack on our freedoms and prevail against all those ghouls in the 'Democratic' party (the other one is not much better), all those CIA, DEA, NSA, Google, Meta, and all other spooks that hate us, the people, with all their might. Screw them all. I, for one, did not immigrate to the United States of America, no matter its flaws throughout history, to see it Sovietize and turn into North Korea.
Freedom is worth fighting for, no matter what.
Hall of Fame:
While I don't require subscriptions, essays older than 4 weeks are placed behind a paywall, except for the one labeled "legendary" and "Joe Biden’s Journey into Evil," which will remain freely accessible for as long as this Substack lives.
The Dark Side: Joe Biden's Journey into Evil (most read and most liked)
FEAR & LOATHING of Woke America: love letter to fallen language (legendary)
The Operation Unthinkable: World War III (1) (an overlooked gem).
Honorable mention:
Mind Control Series (5) Child Abuse: PURE EVIL (painful, somewhat neglected)
CIA: A Spider Wasp in Our Belly (I’m proud of this one, but it’s most ignored).
My novels at Amazon:
Tycho Brahe Secret—a dystopian novel dealing with our current issues with a twist.
Jung's Demon: A serial-killer’s tale of love and madness—a brutal psychological thriller.
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Works Cited
“A Note on This Project |”, 19 Jan. 2011, Accessed 11 May 2023.
Byrne, Malcolm. “Iran’s 1979 Revolution Revisited: Failures (and a Few Successes) of U.S. Intelligence and Diplomatic Reporting | National Security Archive.”, National Security Archive, The George Washington University, 11 Feb. 2019,
Carlson, Tucker . “Https://” Twitter, 9 May 2023, Accessed 11 May 2023.
Harsanyi, David. “Dear TSA, Please Stop Molesting Kids at the Airport.”, 23 Nov. 2018, Accessed 11 May 2023.
Hedges, Chris. “The Chris Hedges Report: John Kiriakou, CIA’s Chief of Counterterrorism Operations in Pakistan, on Why the CIA Needs to Be Abolished – Peace in Kurdistan.” Peace in Kurdistan, 18 Aug. 2022, Accessed 11 May 2023.
Kinzer, Stephen. All the Shah’s Men : An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror. Hoboken, N.J, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
Office of the Inspector General. “Special Report: A Review of the FBI’s Handling of Intelligence Information prior to the September 11 Attacks.”, Nov. 2004,
Truth Commission. “Truth Commission: Chile 90.” United States Institute of Peace, 2 Oct. 2014,
Wu, Lawrence , and Michelle Lanz. “How the CIA Overthrew Iran’s Democracy in 4 Days.”, 2019,
Read your spider wasp c👁a analogy - 🎯. Well put mate...
Perfect metaphor, the only one I've read that manages to portray the CIA as grotesque. The Pilger clip emphasises.
Interesting point about the Washington Post dying in darkness. Frontline still has the documentary -
You've reminded me that I wanted to watch